Your Role in Supporting the Arts
Coastal Concerts’ staff, board and volunteers are incredibly grateful for the support you, our patrons, have provided us as well as other local arts venues over the past couple of years. We also are grateful for the support of the arts by our local and state government officials. To maintain this support, we encourage you to advocate for the arts in our community.
It’s no doubt that arts organizations would not be able to exist without the support they receive from their community. For nonproft organizations, such as Coastal Concerts, local support is the most important.
The arts are fundamental to our humanity. They ennoble and inspire us – fostering creativity, goodness, and beauty. The arts bring us joy, help us express our values, and build bridges between cultures. The arts are also a fundamental component of healthy communities – strengthening them socially, educationally, and economically, benefts that persist even in difcult social and economic times. When you support your local performance organizations, art centers, museums, galleries and the like, here’s what you are doing for your community:
Creating Culture
When you think of some of the most culturally diverse and renowned cities on Earth, they all have at least one thing in common: the arts. From local concerts to galleries to life-size wall murals, a community full of the arts is a community full of culture. Research has even shown that cities that emphasize the arts have more civic and social engagement, better child welfare, and even lower poverty rates.
Stimulating Business
Arts organizations stimulate business and economic growth in a community. The creative industries throughout the United States employ nearly 3 million people and make up around 4 percent of the nation’s businesses. These businesses and the creative people they employ help to empower, support, and encourage innovation while playing a vital part in building and sustaining a local economy. Each year, non-profit arts and culture organizations alone pump an estimated $60 billion into the national economy.
Driving Tourism
One of the most extraordinary things about the arts is its capability of turning any region into a choice tourist destination. Part of this ability comes from art’s wide appeal.
Every day,more than 100,000 nonproft arts and culture organizations serve as thefoundation of our nation’s tourism industry.
Inspiring Young Minds
For the arts to remain a signifcant part of our society, we must pass it along to the younger generations. Arts centers across the country do this by presenting performances, classes, and programs where youth can learn, grow, and create. It has been found that children who receive education in the arts have higher GPAs, better test scores, and lower dropout rates. By inspiring and encouraging children to embrace their individual creativity, we give them resources they need to succeed in life.
Check out the links below that include ways you can advocate for the arts:
Delaware Division of the Arts
Delaware Arts Alliance
National Endowment for the Arts
Americans for the Arts
Performing Arts Alliance